Maria-Sheba Atukunda

Maria-Sheba Atukunda is a Ugandan architect, interior, stage and product designer, and installation artist. Atukunda is interested in the hyper-local and its possibilities. She wants to awaken her audience to the full potential of the space around them and its effects on our most inner unique selves. In 2021, Atukunda launched A Ugandan Design Show, a TV show and continuing online competition focused on Ugandan design for Ugandan challenges and concepts. In 2022, she co-directed ‘Akatuuti’ a production as part of Alliance Francaise’s Akatuuti programme that gives curators a stage for an evening.

“While looking for ways to make performance art experiential in more ways than the visual and auditory, I find myself delving deep into the tactile, visual and auditory space of a medium I have a deep connection with: PAPER.” – Maria-Sheba Atukunda during her residency at 32° East